I havent post any for this past few days since I was indeed busy with all sorts of assignments and tests. Plus, this upcoming tests make me kinda crazy, tense, tension, stress, strain and others (speak in mechanical ways).
So, as to make myself happy and ready to go for the challenge, I developed a few interests in KPop music industries.
After Big Bang fever, I've caught Shinee flu...since this is kind of weird for me to 'LIKE' this budak kecik, I tried to make myself clear. haha
okeh, penat jap speaking. bukannyer nak berlagak ke hape, (tak terniat langsung kat ati suci ini), aku just nk polish english aku yang dah lame berkarat tuh....
so, arinih, today, I want to talk about my new favorite thing...SHINEE
okeh, this band is consist of 5 members. they are;
- onew
- key
- taemin
- minho
- jonghyu

if u want to compare this boyband with Big Bang, better u dun have to. cause every band has their own specialty and charm. as for this one, i think they are better at dancing and may be their charms. they smile like a small kid (though only one of them is qualified to call a kid) and sing a song that is catchy. compared to Big Bang which are much matured and quite good when speak in english and their excellent music, Shinee is just a dongseng in my eyes.
stop about comparing things.
okeh, mase fes time aku stat minat adek2 neh adelah mase aku singgah bilik nina. dia ade tunjuk aku satu MV Shinee neh. lagu 'replay' ataw kalo dalam korean speakin nyer adelah 'noona nouemu yeppo' dan bile translate-kan jadi 'akak, awak neh cantik la' wahaha...kompem terbahak2 kalo tetiba la ade band budak msia neh nyanyi lagu sort of gini.
honestly, i dun really into their style so much since it was all too common for korean music style and fashion. i really like on how they dance. smart giler bile tengok sumer teratur dan beratur (sila lihat replay dan ring ding dong). plus+ lagi si budak kecik taemin tuh. tp nampak namja sket la dalam MV ring ding dong. wakaka
neh lagi gamba2 dyowg bagi sspe yang pon baru terminat cam kes aku neh;

okeh la. sudah2 la ngan korea2 neh. dalam exam pon xd nyer lecturer nak kuarkan soalan2 gini.
sekian buat kali ini. keje2 dah mule memanggil....assalamualaikum
p/s; kalo sronok sgt nyanyi lgu lucifer bek jgn slalu sgt. sbb lucifer neh nme omputih bg iblis...renung2kan dan selamat beramal