Tuesday, March 31, 2009

why me?

i didnt get KP 4 next sem....im going to another college....im goin 2 K11....man, kinda far from fkm.....wat shud i do?
  • buy a motorcycle? (need 2 learn 2 ride bicycle fes)
  • buy a car? (hell!, no)
  • wait 4 da bus? (like im suppose 2)
  • get a ride wif ma fwen (aero boys will be in K11 next sem)
  • pray 4 a gud things to happen....
those r solutions 4 ma problems....but shud i stick wif only one of it 4 da rest of dis 4 sems?gosh...i made maself thru dis...i will....

1 comment:

  1. haha3......its better 2 chuz da lst 1:p
    ko ptut stat jog ptg2 so,no need 4 motocycle,car,bus(the 'best' solution)......
