okeyh...I dun wanna be another Rebecca Black..
Plus, I'm not gonna counting days by days..
Obviously today is Saturday
and what has Saturday reminds me is about training
need to speak it out loud!!
Alright, actually this morning I didn't even go to melapor since I'm too tired to face Saturday again with all the Palapes stuff.
so, I woke up just early in the morning to see the sunrise..well actually I'm not
okeh, I woke up early because I was too amazed by the fascinating scenery in this morning. The atmosphere was just like back then during our Genting trip!!
I called for Mun and together we enjoyed the scene.

gambar dari bilek aku

dari veranda kt foyer kami

dari veranda kt foyer kami

dari jambatan nak ke lift
yet, we heard a very LOUD voice (a group of voice actually)
kompem la budak-budak Palapes
we went to see for a clear view
and surprise, they are Juniors!!
macam biase, PT lari2..
keliling pokok bermasa...
pastuh 6 inci paras bumi...

tengah dok syok tengok budak2 Junior PT, tetibe tenampak YO-yO sekalian berlari jogging2

dan tengah syok2 tengok YO-yO lari2 nampak plak Senior PT balak...perghhh...dengan Kapten tersayang Batch kami...

so, abih la sume gamba aku capture..sebab nak merealisasikan impian aku untuk menjadi sorang mamarazi berjaya
so, teringat2 la zaman dloo
flashback kembali ke zaman2 kadet dloo
terngiang2 kate2 yg bersemangat budak skod aku mensupport sesama sendiri (aku banyak disupport, kurang menyupport)
rindu sabtu dloo2 yang penat...
I really miss the old days...
but if be given a chance to roll back the time,
honestly I wouldn't...
rindu sabtu dloo2 yang penat...
I really miss the old days...
but if be given a chance to roll back the time,
honestly I wouldn't...
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