I just found out that UTM bloggers ade komuniti sendiri!!

tak terkejut sangat
even before neh Ipa dan Mun penah mention.
mule2 agak ter-move gak nak join, tapi bile pikiaq dua dan tiga kali...
tak payah la
sebab ape?
5 reason kenapa aku tak mau join UTM bloggers;
- aku tak rajin update blog
- followers aku tak banyak
- blog aku tak comel cam mereke2 yang laen
- aku tak fames, so wat pe aku join?
- sebab aku memang tak mau join
pastuh, aku pi dok usha-usha bape blog2 budak2 kampus aku
(actually, wanna compare between them's and mine.....huhu)
since I'm still new in writing stuff like this bloggin thingy, I just tot that almost of their blogs just expressing their own train of tots about life in university which just like almost the same that I'm facing just now, which I'm not interested so much (like people who read this interested in my life? btw, this is my blog, piss off!!)
besides, some of them, boys especially. this one guy, he has A LOADS of female followers but he has nothing in his blog! what's goin on with all the girls?
did they really follow this guy's blog jus because he HAS SOMETHING to write about or because he has that so-called good look??
owh, I really hate those good look people
plus, if he is really a guy, he shudnt be sitting infront of his computer bloggin!!
he shud be playing COMPUTER GAMES or go out get sweat!! that's a real boy!!attaboy

well, I couldnt comment much bout girls since I'm a girl. but I dun really like to blog. I'm writin. (could u find any different?)
as for me, I'm only log on this blogspot if I have things to write. if I dun, I just log out.
now, since I have left nothing to write, I think I would just log out...
peace out!!

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